A Colt Classic

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A colt classic.jpg Achievement Name: A Colt Classic
Achievement Description: Discover the Steeplechase board game combo
Value: 1 pts Difficulty: Any

A Colt Classic is a combo achievement earned in Ultimate Board Games.

How to get this achievement?

Essential characteristics

This achievement requires three essential features within the Board Game design, these are "Animals" and "Sports" as the main themes and "Press your luck" as one of the core game mechanics.

Optional combinations

Certain parts of the board game design can be customised such as the components and the number of players and does not affect the likelihood of this achievement happening. However, the player can take advantage of such optional parts to have a better chance of winning the game and avoid the board game failing and get the achievement at the same time.

  • Recommended Board Game Setup[1]
    • Themes: Sports, Animals
    • Mechanics: Competitive play, Press your luck
    • Components: Timers
    • Players: Two, Three, Four+


After completing this achievement, more people are interested in your board game in 9 different countries.


  • This achievement refers to board games that are based on the steeplechase, which consist of games of rolling and moving various pieces in order to simulate a horse race.[2]



  1. EazyE2285 (2019-06-18). "A Colt Classic achievement". TrueAchievements Retrieved on September 12, 2023.
  2. Kusse, Loretta. "Horse Race or Steeplechase". Kuse Museum Retrieved on September 12, 2023.