
From Plague Inc. Wiki
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I'm kinda inactive now.

Ask me anything on my message wall though. I'm active on other wikis and will get the notification. I'll respond to you within a day, probably. I can do nearly anything (except block or promote someone. You'll need to ask DiseaseMaster7/Ned1230 for that)

My favorite plague

I made the 14,999th edit and the 15,001st edit, but someone made an edit that was an article edit and their second edit got the badge. Talk about luck. 2 edits, 110 points.

I eventually made the 17000tth edit. And edit 18000.

My progress in plague inc:

All standard plague types complete on brutal, virus on mega brutal

Neurax worm, necroa virus, and simian flu completed on brutal.

I have completed the shadow plague on casual.

All this was done without paying money for anything other than the initial cost of the game.


I have visited a few, and know the basics. I taught myself wikitext and have even successfully modified a template by looking at the pages that others wrote. Mostly, the only edits that I make are DNA cost/next symptom modifiers, but I have added plenty of pages (basically all of the symptoms in the Shadow Plague).

My favorite pages

  • forums
  • Forums-Q&A
  • forums-general discussion board