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All scenarios except for Swine Flu, Black Death and Smallpox can be beaten very easy with the Neurax Worm. Using the trojan ability helps to infect countries, that already closed harbors, airports, borders and its infrastructure. Helpful would be the following genetic code:

Metabolic Jump, Suppression, Trans-Stasis, Base Oxidisation and Extremophile.

When Starting (preferrably India or China),evolve Eggs 1 and 2, Rodents 1 and all transmissions up to Air 2 and Water 2. During that evolve mutative Regenerations. After that, Cold 1 and 2 and Drug Resistance 1. Then you can already start symtoms up to transcendece and aggression. Now its time for trojan flyers. The first one, that appears, should be sent to Greenland, after that Iceland, New Zealand and the caribics. Most of the other islands get infected easier, when starting in China or India. To increase DNA Gain, you can evolve all other transmission types, depending on which country your desease just spreaded (Bird for New Zealand and Iceland, Blood and Mosqitos for Africa and other poor countries plus Heat Resistance 1 and maybe 2). Remember to Mutate corpse feeder 1 and 2 after you mutated aggression to increase infection. I hope this helps and please excuse my bad english (I am German). My record for Neurax on Brutal is 201 days.

Greetings Amox Mind