Support Bubble

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Support Bubble.jpg Achievement Name: Support Bubble
Achievement Description: Fund all the special Field Operative upgrades in Frozen Virus
Value: 1 pts Difficulty: Any

Support Bubble is an exclusive achievement of the Cure Mode when treating an outbreak of Frozen Virus, to get it the player will have to use certain special operations of the Field Operatives.

How to get this achievement?

  • In order for the special operations of the Field Operatives to be available, it is first necessary to purchase DNA Analysis 1 & 2. These operations allow the player to unlock some groups of Responses and Operations.
  • To gather the necessary resources, the player must first inspect different countries, especially those characterized by a cold climate. When most of the countries have been inspected by the Field Operatives, it is time to use these resources in operations.
    Using Russia as a base of operations and utilizing Field Operatives expansions helps to reduce infection in different areas - (Photo Credit: Numad via YouTube)
  • The operations required for this achievement are the expansion of Field Operatives, which are Regional Collaboration, Expanded Jurisdiction and Global Operations.[Note 1] Respectively, each of them will cost much more resources, so the player must take advantage of what happens in the game, one of the ways to do this is to correctly use the Field Operatives improvements, and position them in countries that have many land borders such as Russia.
  • By utilizing these upgrades in this way, it will be possible to reduce infection in specific regions much faster, causing the player to receive more resources for it. Then, you must use these resources obtained to get the last upgrade, which is Global Operation, which is the one that costs much more resources to obtain when treating the Frozen Virus.


  1. The unmodified base cost of resources is 6 for Regional Collaboration, 9 for Expanded Jurisdiction and 12 for Global Operations (Note: The values presented here are the initial costs, because if the player buys a specific operation, the others will start to cost more by one point each time this is done)[1]


  1. Frozen Virus Stats (Cure Mode) - Game Files (See cure_frozen_virus.scenario/cure.txt)

External Resources

  • Video Tutorial made by Justaslav_ to obtain this specific achievement (PC Version) (2022)