Strategy guide/Created Equal

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The following are strategies and tips for the Created Equal scenario. Please feel free to add your own below:

Strategy 1 (Mega Brutal)

by Bihapove

Plague type: Bio-weapon

Usually gets 3 biohazards. Score isn't very high but rarely fails.

Genetic Codes

  • ATP Boost
  • Genetic Mimic
  • Aerocyte
  • Extremophile
  • Patho-Stasis


  • If you're already detected, try not to let anyone die before you infect every island.
  • Drug Resistance 2 isn't required unless new health guidelines for rich countries event happens.
  • This is actually just a regular Annilhilate Bio-weapon run lol


  • Start in USA.
  • Evolve Rash, Sweating and Skin Lesions.
  • Evolve Drug Resistance 1, Gene Compression 1, 2, and 3. If you have trouble with too much starting lethality, you can evolve Gene Compressions before Drug Resistance.
  • Evolve Deactivate Modified Genes until your lethality is 0. Should your lethality rise again, evolve another Deactivate Modified Genes. If you run out of these (unlikely), use Nucleic Acid Neutralisation when your lethality is too high.
  • Evolve Air 1, Air 2, Cold Resistance 1, Cold Resistance 2, Heat Resistance 1, Heat Resistance 2.
  • Wait until the last island (usually Greenland) is infected. Then evolve Necrosis.
  • When every island has at least 100 (ideally 200) infected, evolve all Neutralisation and Deactivation.