Plant Dissemination

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Plant Dissemination is a unique ability exclusive to the Mad Cow Disease Scenario. By changing the Prion's protein folding, it allows it to infect plant life, unlocking new Transmissions that help infect vegetarians.

Unlocked Transmissions


This transmission is one of the few in this scenario that can increase infectivity in poor countries.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of corn products. Increases infectivity, especially in poor countries"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Maize Icon.png
  • +4 Infectivity
  • +0.6 in Poor Countries

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, governments may start burning corn fields, which will reduce Infectivity by 1 nationwide. For this action to be implemented in a country, the global priority must be 20 and the local priority 10.[1]


This transmission slightly increases Infectivity after broccoli consumption, and, unlike other traits, it has a low DNA Cost.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of broccoli. Slightly increases infectivity"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Broccoli Icon.png
  • +1 Infectivity

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, governments may prohibit broccoli, which will reduce Infectivity by 2 nationwide. For this action to be implemented in a country, the global priority must be 20 and the local priority 30.[1]


This transmission helps to increase infectivity especially in countries characterized by hot climates, where rice is mainly consumed.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of rice. Greatly increases infectivity, especially in hot climates"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Rice Icon.png
  • +5 Infectivity
  • +0.6 in Hot Climates

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, governments may destroy rice supplies, which will reduce Infectivity by 3 nationwide. For this action to be implemented in a country, both the global and local priority for the disease must be 20.[1]


This is one of the few transmissions in the Mad Cow Disease scenario that can help increase the effectiveness of the prion in wealthy countries.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of avocado. Increases infectivity, especially in rich countries"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Avocado Icon.png
  • +1 Infectivity
  • +0.7 in Rich Countries

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, there is a possibility that governments will pulp avocados. For this government action to be implemented in a country, the global priority must be 20 and the local priority must be 10. When this action is implemented, infectivity will be reduced by 1 in the country.[1]


This transmission is characterized by increased infection in countries with cold climates where mainly potatoes are grown and consumed.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of potatoes. Increases infectivity especially in cold climates"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Potato Icon.png
  • +5 Infectivity
  • +0.3 in Cold Climates

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, there is a possibility that governments will start burying potatoes in the landfill. For this government action to be implemented in a country, both the global and local priority for the disease must be 20. When this action is implemented, infectivity will be reduced by 2 in the country.[1]


It is one of the transmissions that is characterized by increased infectivity especially in areas with hot climates after consumption of these fruits.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of mangos. Increases infectivity, especially in hot climates"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Mango Icon.png
  • +3 Infectivity
  • +0.3 in Hot Climates

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, there is a possibility that governments to order the destruction of mango supplies. For this government action to be implemented in a country, the global priority must be 20 and the local priority 30. When this action is implemented, the infectivity will be reduced by 3 in the country.[1]


This transmission can increase the infectivity, unlike other similar ones, this one does not have a certain bonus for a certain type of environment.

"Pathogen spreads through consumption of wheat. Increases infectivity"

Statistical Information

Icon DNA Points Stats
Wheat Icon.png
  • +4 Infectivity

Government Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, there is a possibility that governments will start burning wheat fields. For this government action to be implemented in a country, the global priority must be 20 and the local priority 10. When this action is implemented, the infectivity will be reduced by 1 in the country.[1]

Government Actions

At the start of the game, vegetarians will be unaffected by the disease, in four stages, which reduce Infectivity in every country by 5, 10, 10, and 30, respectively. If this Transmission and Human Cross-infection are evolved, vegetarians may start to become infected, in four stages, which increase Infectivity by 5, 10, 10, and 30, respectively.[Note 1][1]


Info Icon - Graph.png
This section includes information about Plague Inc. internal code, please check the Scenario Creator to verify the information, in addition to the Game Files section in the Wiki.
  1. This is considered a Government Action in the Game Files, however, it is not under the control of governments in-lore. The actions for vegetarians being unaffected and affected are called vegetarians_unnaffected and vegetarians_affected, respectively. Unlike other government actions, they trigger several types ranging from 1 to 4 in the game files.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Mad Cow Disease Government Actions (govactions_standard #56677.txt) The actions for Maize, Broccoli, Rice, Avocado, Potato, Mango, and Wheat are called corn_fields_burned, broccoli_prohibited, rice_supplies_destroyed, avocado_pulped, potatoes_buried_at_landfill, mangos_destroyed and wheat_fields_burned, respectively.