Plague Inc. Wiki:Standardization

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This article is in the process of maintenance, in which more information, images or references will be added.
Information on article changes

This page is still being restructured and organized.

This is a page designed to improve the way statistics information is organized on the traits pages.

Infobox Stats

  • Very slight (0.01 to 1)
  • Slight (1 to 3)
  • Average (4 to 9)
  • Great (11 to 19)
  • Catastrophic (Greater than 20)

File Naming

We will attempt to maintain a basic standard for classifying the way in which statistical files are mentioned and referenced in articles.

Standard Plagues

The naming of these files will be using the term "Basic Stats" because unlike other plagues, they have relatively simple variables and statistics.

Official Scenarios

For referencing statistics in Official Scenarios such as Black Death, Smallpox, Nipah Virus, Frozen Virus and Mad Cow Disease, we will attempt to use the terms "Disease Stats" to refer to the variants that are presented in these scenarios.

Special Plagues

To refer to the game files for the special plagues such as Neurax Worm, Necroa Virus, Simian Flu and Shadow Plague, "Trait Stats" will be used to indicate to the reader that the information used refers specifically to the special traits of these plagues, as these files only contain the basic information about the traits but not detailed information about certain mechanics of these diseases, as they are located in another part of the game code.


File Term used
Standard Plagues Data Source: Bacteria Basic Stats
Official Scenarios Data Source: Smallpox Disease Stats
Special Plagues Data Source: Neurax Worm Trait Stats