List of government actions (Simian Flu)

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The government actions in Simian Flu are mainly based on the interactions between the human population and the apes, in which during most of the game, the humans will try to track and hunt down the ape population because they are responsible for spreading the disease and finding a cure based on the apes' corpses. Unlike earlier diseases, government actions can now increase the local danger of an area due to the breakdown of public order, indirectly resulting in increased casualties.

List of Actions

Darwin Squads Actions

Within the Simian Flu narrative, as the disease begins to spread around the world, groups called "Darwin Squads" are created, named after Charles Darwin, known for his contribution to evolutionary biology. These groups are designed to arm themselves and wipe out the ape population of the country.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Anti-ape 'Darwin Squads' formed
Local Priority 34 Global Priority 40
The country has about 500 living apes
Effects -1 in Ape Infectivity & +0.1 in Risk of Apes Dying
Government Action Darwin Squads officially recognised
Local Priority 44 Global Priority 60
Darwin Squads previously formed in the country
The country has about 500 living apes
Effects +0.2 in Risk of Apes Dying
Government Action Darwin Squads provided with weapons
Local Priority 64 Global Priority 0
The Darwin Squads are officially recognized by the country's government
The country has about 1000 living apes
Effects -1 in Ape Infectivity & +2 in Risk of Apes Dying
Government Action Darwin Squads given military support
Local Priority 74 Global Priority 0
The Darwin Squads have been equipped with weapons previously
About 5% of the country's population is infected with Simian Flu
The country has about 1000 living apes
Effects -1 in Ape Infectivity & +3 in Risk of Apes Dying

Healthcare Actions

In the event that the disease presents certain types of symptoms, governments will try to provide the necessary countermeasures such as the distribution of aspirin, if "Headache" evolves. These actions only serve for narrative purposes and have no real effect on the countries.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Giving out free aspirin
Local Priority 5 Global Priority 0
Headache Evolved
Effects No Effects
Government Action Nationalises sunglasses industry
Local Priority 5 Global Priority 0
Photophobia Evolved
Effects No Effects
Government Action Celebrates record exam results
Local Priority 5 Global Priority 0
Effects No Effects

Ape Control Actions

In the case that Simian Flu is becoming an increasing problem, in the event that there are a certain number of apes in the country, the authorities will try everything possible to inform the population of the dangers of their contact, so much so that more and more drastic measures will be taken, from the closure of zoos to the use of anti-ape poisons.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Apes designated a health risk
Local Priority 5 Global Priority 2
Disease is detected
Effects -1 in Ape Transmission
Government Action Ape Shelters under lock down
Local Priority 5 Global Priority 2
Disease is detected
The country has about 100 living apes
Effects -1 in Ape Transmission
Government Action Parks closed over ape fears
Local Priority 6 Global Priority 10
The country has about 100 living apes
Effects No Effects
Government Action Zoos closed over ape fears
Local Priority 7 Global Priority 2
At least one ape still alive in the country
Effects -1 in Ape Transmission
Government Action Police dogs trained to hunt apes
Local Priority 26 Global Priority 80
The country has about 300 living apes
Effects -1 in Ape Transmission & +3 in Risk of Apes Dying
Government Action Use of primate poisons legalised
Local Priority 38 Global Priority 60
The country has about 300 living apes
Effects +1 in Risk of Apes Dying

Refugee Actions

When Simian Flu gradually begins to infect the population of a country, it will cause people to move as refugees to other parts of the country to avoid infection. In the event that the disease becomes much more lethal and the country's public order begins to break down, there is a possibility that the country's government will take hostile action against the refugee camps.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Refugees advised to return home
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 0
About 1% of the country's population has died
Effects +1 in Local Infectivity & -1 in Severity
Government Action Refugees placed in quarantine camps
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 0
Refugees have been informed that they must return home previously
Effects -1 in Severity
Government Action Security tightened in refugee camps
Local Priority 60 Global Priority 0
Refugees have been relocated into quarantine camps
Effects +0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Army deployed to control refugees
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Security tightened in refugee camps
Effects -2 in Local Infectivity, +0.01 in Public Order & +0.01 in Local Danger
Government Action Lethal force used against refugees
Local Priority 80 Global Priority 0
About 5% of the country's population has died from the disease
Armed forces have been deployed for refugee control
Effects -4 in Local Infectivity, -0.01 in Public Order & +0.1 in Local Danger
Government Action Refugees repelled by special forces
Local Priority 90 Global Priority 0
Lethal force used against refugees
Effects -5 in Local Infectivity, -0.01 in Public Order & +0.3 in Local Danger

Society Stability Actions

In the event that the disease has killed a large part of a country's population, the country's government will fragment, losing control of the armed forces or even the possibility of a coup d'état. When that happens, law and order will be greatly reduced in addition to the fact that the likelihood of people dying will be much higher.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Coup attempt fails
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
About 10% of the country's population has died
Effects +0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Plea of unity issued
Local Priority 80 Global Priority 0
Coup attempt failed previously
Effects +0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Army deserters seize control of city
Local Priority 90 Global Priority 0
Plea of unity issued previously
Effects -2 in Local Infectivity, -0.01 in Public Order & +0.1 in Local Danger
Government Action Army fragments into rival factions
Local Priority 95 Global Priority 0
Army deserters seize control of city previously
Effects -0.01 in Public Order & +0.5 in Local Danger
Government Action Coup attempt succeeds
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
About 10% of the country's population has died
Attempts to overthrow the government in a coup have not failed
Effects +9 in Local Infectivity, +0.01 in Public Order & +0.5 in Local Danger


  • Simian Flu Government Actions - (File Name: govactions_simian_flu #56881) (Extracted from Version of Plague Inc.: Evolved (PC))
    • Note: All the information on this page was obtained by extracting the game files using external tools, in addition some variables have been transformed from decimals to percentages such as the requirement of infected or dead population for an action to be performed.