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Fish is a transmission special to the Mad Cow Disease scenario. It makes the disease able to infect fish, which can sometimes infect a random country if consumed.

Goverment Actions

If the player evolves this transmission, there is a possibility that governments will outlaw fishing. For this government action to be implemented in a country, both the global and local priority for the disease must be 20. When this action is implemented, the infectivity will be reduced by 3 in the country.[1]


There are two events that can occur as this transmission evolves. One of them is about a Sushi Crisis in Japan. Preservative Storage Resilience is also needed for this event to occur, in addition to the fact that there must be at least a few infected people in Japan. It also requires the local priority in the country to be more than 20, in addition to the Research Allocation in Japan to be more than 1.[2]


The second event is a random event in which a healthy country with seaports is required to become infected after consumption of infected fish.[2]



  1. "Stats of the Mad Cow Disease Scenario" - Game Files
  2. 2.0 2.1 Events Information - Game Files (See standard_normal.txt)