Doomsday Save

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DoomsdaySave.jpg Achievement Name: Doomsday Save
Achievement Description: Save the world with less than 5% of the world's population left
Value: 1 pts Difficulty: Any

Doomsday Save is a Cure Mode exclusive achievement, which requires winning the game with more than 95% of the world's population dead.

How to get this achievement?

  • This achievement is designed to be played with the Bio-Weapon, as this type of plague is one of the most lethal in the game, in which it can wipe out most of humanity in a short time.
  • It is essential to have a high Authority at the beginning of the game so it is necessary to quickly obtain Authority 1 to 3, in addition to Declare Armageddon, the reason for this is because after the course of the game by letting Bio-Weapon circulate freely around the world, many countries will report a lot of infections and deaths, which will make people panic and governments start to collapse, that will cost the player a lot of authority, so it is necessary to have a very high authority before the world starts to collapse from the effects of Bio-Weapon.
  • When Bio-Weapon spreads throughout the world, the player must ensure that their authority doesn't drop from 50 points, so it is necessary to use the Censorship and Fake News operations, as these make the Player's Authority remain intact for a certain period of time.
    Example image, in which the French authorities are able to contain the Bio-Weapon outbreak without the player's help, although for this to happen a large number of the country's population had to die, and only a small group of they could survive.
  • During the progress of the game, when Bio-Weapon reaches a large number of deaths in a country, exterminating a large percentage of the population, eventually the authorities and the population of that country will be able to contain and isolate the outbreak, in addition to a small number of infected people being able to recover, so Bio-Weapon can be extinguished from that country by itself without player intervention, although much of the country will be in ruins when this happens.
When more than 95% of humanity is dead, it is time to focus on the countries with infected, since it is not necessary to have additional deaths that cost authority. The player can see which countries are still infected in the World Tab.
  • When it has been reached that more than 95% of humanity is dead from the plague. The player will be able to intervene in the countries that still have infected, since it is not necessary that more people die to achieve this achievement, in which operations such as Infection Control and Emergency Care will be important. The reason, why the player suddenly has to worry about the few people left on earth, is to avoid losing authority, as these unnecessary deaths for the achievement still cost the player authority, the player must at least maintain some authority in order to finish the game.


  • Disaster Manager is one of the genes that is useful to get this achievement, as it reduces the loss of authority by a large number of deaths, which will be something that the player will have to face often to get this archievement.