Brutal Brexit

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Brutal Brexit.jpg Achievement Name: Brutal Brexit
Achievement Description: Put Britain on the road to madness when it leaves the EU
Value: n/a Difficulty: Any

Brutal Brexit is an achievement in Plague Inc. It involves giving the UK an extremely hard time while they exit the European Union.

'<plague> triggers Brutal Brexit' 'Brexit is complete and borders are closed and imports are banned. Europeans are rounded up and executed - along with any British people who can talk a foreign language or have visited Europe'


Based on the Steam guide by rjdimo and Solara570 and adapted by creep_soldier.

  • Start with Bacteria
  • Use Genes that reduce infectivity
  • Start somewhere near or with access to UK, but not in it proper.
  • Wait for the Brexit event pop-up, which is entitled "UK votes for Brexit in referendum".
  • Devolve any mutated traits while waiting
  • Save game
  • Evolve Air 1 and wait until UK gets infected,
  • if needed evolve Drugs 1 and Cold 1
  • Devolve any mutated traits while waiting
  • You will need up to 50 DNA points to evolve all needed symptoms
  • When UK gets infected, wait until it have around 1000 infected,
  • if needed evolve Drugs 1 and Cold 1
  • After geting 1000 infected on UK, Devolve anything that you have evolved
  • Evolve Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, Insanity, Cysts and Hyper Sensitivity
  • Wait for a pop-up entitled "<plague name> triggers Brutal Brexit".
  • "Brutal Brexit" achievement will be unlocked.


  • If UK is fully infected, Brexit is likely to be cancelled.
  • If UK is the leading country on the cure progress, Brexit is likely to be cancelled.
  • If you spread too much too fast, or kill too much too fast, Brexit is likely to be cancelled.
  • It appears to be that starting on China makes UK more likely to be the leading country on cure.