Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-19364860-20140702234151/@comment-24956371-20151204121536

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DiseaseMaster7 wrote:
Golden Diamond48 wrote:

'Canada starts researching Nobody'

'USA starts worshipping Nobody'

'Nobody to eradicate humans'

'Nobody slowing travel'

'Nobody starts in Philippines'

Take 'Nobody' out, put in 'No Man', and you've got a Greek literature joke.

Explanation: In the Oddesy, Ulysses tricked a Cyclops by identifying himself as "No Man". He and his men wounded the Cyclops, and when the other Cyclopses on the island showed up to see what was going on, after hearing it was "No Man" who struck the blow, they walked away laughing.

And then, Ulysses, wich is known for being  smart, told his name to Poliphemus, the cyclops he blinded, wich then asked his father Poseidon, god of sea (Ulysses was on a boat), to curse him.

Yes, Ulysses was VERY smart