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See also: Zombie and Vampire
An intelligent ape wearing war paint.

Apes are protagonist entities in the Simian Flu.

General Information

Apes are primates and viable hosts of the pathogen which, while extremely harmful to humans, has mostly beneficial effects to Apes by increasing their intelligence and granting them various improvements, hence forming a symbiosis between the two.

Unlike Vampires and Zombies, Intelligent Apes are mostly passive and peaceful, usually only responding to human aggression against them instead of promptly attacking everything alive. However, Ape aggression will prompt equally destructive human responses. They are not as powerful as Vampires or Zombies on their own, being weak even with all possible improvements, and hence rely entirely on the pathogen's lethality for them to eventually outnumber humans, rendering them the dominant species on earth.

Apes have 3 main abilities:

  • Ape Rampage: Apes will launch attacks on humans, resulting in increasing infection rates and casualties. If a research facility is present they will only destroy it and rescue any captive apes.
  • Organised Travel: Apes located in a country can be moved to other locations and even join with other Ape populations. Travel Speed can be improved by various traits.
  • Create Colony: Apes can form their own colonies, living in peace while also protecting each other from human aggression. Colonies generate DNA based on Ape population and, when certain traits are evolved, can even attract idle intelligent apes from other colonies. An entire Colony can also be moved via Organized Travel to other locations away from harm.

Symptom Combos

Ape Count

Countries by ape population (Total: 644,462)

Country Ape Count Percent of Total Ape Count
Central Africa 408,738 63.42
Indonesia 70,738 10.98
East Africa 32,978 5.12
West Africa 31,014 4.81
Sudan 21,585 3.35
India 18,416 2.86
China 18,021 2.8
USA 4,153 0.64
Southeast Asia 3,397 0.53
Brazil 2,752 0.43
Angola 2,356 0.37
Pakistan 2,333 0.36
Russia 1,905 0.3
Japan 1,713 0.27
Mexico 1,524 0.24
Germany 1,396 0.22
Philippines 1,253 0.19
Colombia 1,203 0.19
Egypt 1,090 0.17
France 1,025 0.16
Iran 994 0.15
Korea 984 0.15
Turkey 978 0.15
Balkan States 872 0.14
UK 836 0.13
Saudi Arabia 830 0.13
Italy 813 0.13
Argentina 773 0.12
Spain 762 0.12
South Africa 719 0.11
Algeria 619 0.1
Ukraine 616 0.1
Central Asia 610 0.09
Central Europe 594 0.09
Middle East 515 0.08
Poland 513 0.08
Central America 483 0.07
Afghanistan 462 0.07
Canada 458 0.07
Iraq 430 0.07
Morocco 429 0.07
Peru 391 0.06
Caribbean 337 0.05
Australia 300 0.05
Madagascar 278 0.04
Baltic States 221 0.03
Kazakhstan 219 0.03
Zimbabwe 169 0.03
Bolivia 133 0.02
Sweden 126 0.02
New Guinea 92 0.0143
Libya 85 0.0132
Finland 72 0.0112
Norway 66 0.0102
New Zealand 59 0.0092
Botswana 27 0.0042
Iceland 4 0.0006
Greenland 3 0.0005


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*NEWSFLASH: Apes escape in <country>: A group of apes have broken out of a primate shelter in <country> and destroyed a Gen-Sys lab - causing citywide chaos. Authorities were unable to contain them, and the apes escaped
  • Gen-Sys CEO killed during Ape Escape
  • Escaped apes tracked from city to national park
  • Cloud cover disrupts Ape Escape video footage
  • Authorities find apes infected with <plague name>
  • <country> legalises use of primate poisons
  • <country> warns public to avoid ape contact
  • <country> designates apes a health risk
  • <country> put ape shelters under lock down
  • <country> launches ape bounty scheme
  • <country> declares apes a threat to national security
  • <country> sets up ape tracking database
  • <country> legalises ape hunting
  • Ape shelter owner found mutilated in car park
  • Mayor demands animal escape protocols strengthened
  • Terrorist involvement in Ape Escape ruled out
  • Ape Escape CCTV suggests high intelligence
  • Police warn against ape attack hoax calls
  • Police defend Ape Escape response time
  • Major 'escaped animal' incident confirmed
  • <country> shuts down animal welfare charities
  • <country> positions snipers near forests
  • <country> declares 'sheltering apes' a criminal offence
  • Volunteers in <country> form anti-ape 'Darwin Squads'
  • <country> officially recognises Darwin Squads
  • <country> closes zoos over ape fears
  • Drones target apes in <country>
  • <country> sets up national ape hotline
  • <country> closes parks over ape fears
  • <country> trains police dogs to hunt apes
  • <country> arrests animal rights protestors
  • <country> plants landmines in ape territory
  • Runaway apes in <country> force circus close
