Anti Vaxxer

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AntiVaxxer.jpg Achievement Name: Anti Vaxxer
Achievement Description: Save the world without using a vaccine
Value: 1 pts Difficulty: Any

Anti Vaxxer is an exclusive Cure Mode achievement, in which the player instead of developing a cure for the disease, will have to make all living people possessing the disease in a natural way in order to eradicate the disease.

How to get this achievement?


The player can choose any type of plague to get this achievement, although some are more recommended than others, such as Bacteria, one of the reasons is that it does not need analysis or special operations to treat it, in addition to that you can see in which countries the outbreak of the disease has started, which serves to quickly isolate the continent from the rest of the world.


This guide has been designed for difficulties from easy to normal, the reason for this is due to higher difficulties, Non-Compliance is going to be a much more complicated problem, but it does not really matter the difficulty since this achievement can be obtained in any difficulty that player wants.

  • Starting in a country that is considered to be part of Europe, such as Turkey, France or the United Kingdom, another recommended possibility would be Central Europe. The reason is that by starting in these countries, it makes the outbreak less likely to appear on the European continent, which is one of the most difficult to contain the outbreak due to the vastness of air and sea routes.
  • South America and Africa are one of the continents to easily contain an outbreak of any type of player disease, as many of the countries in these continents do not have ports or airports.As soon as a disease is discovered in these continents, close the ports and airports to avoid the expansion, but make sure to inspect each country in its respective continent, because if the player decrees a transport closure in a continent, but has not established an Investigation Team in those countries (all countries where there are no such teams appear as gray and you can not verify the number of infections), Non-Compliance will grow in these countries, because the governments will close ports/airports but without knowing how many infected there are in the country, to avoid this it is necessary to quickly direct the Field Operatives to all the countries of the continent so that they establish investigation teams in each one of them.
  • It is necessary to use economic aid measures in order to prevent Non-Compliance from coming into these countries, because there will be people who will not be happy that their country's ports or airports are closed. In addition, it is necessary to have these operations in place before a quarantine is decreed on the continent, because without prior economic assistance when a national quarantine is carried out, people will begin to disobey such quarantines.
  • When economic aid has been used to help the countries of the continent, we must be very attentive to the country of origin of the disease, in which if it reaches more than 100,000 infected, it is time to decree a quarantine in that continent. Another action that the player must do is to use Infection Control and Emergency Care, these operations allow to quickly decrease the infectivity and lethality of the disease in the country where the Field Operatives are located, generally, we must use it first of all in the country of origin of the disease, but as time goes by, other countries will have problems in containing the outbreak, in which eventually the Field Operatives will have to be directed to these countries.
  • At this time, it is necessary to use Contact Tracing and Testing Capacity to ensure that countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Saudi Arabia and China, Australia, Indonesia or South Africa are prepared to contain outbreaks arriving from other continents. The reason is because these countries have many routes in addition to the fact that we must open the ports or airports of the continent of origin eventually due to Non-Compliance, when we do so, we will use the money that we receive for returning those quarantines to invest in economic relief measures.
  • When most countries have reported a decrease in cases, it is time to remove the quarantine, the money we get from returning the quarantine action in the continent of origin of the disease, we should use it to obtain the Land Border Screening operation to ensure that infected people do not cross into other countries, which are just recovering from the disease.
  • Even so, we must make sure that the countries with more infected people keep pace with the countries that managed to effectively contain the disease, each country manages with some effectiveness to isolate the infection but others find it difficult, that is why we must always direct the Field Operatives to these countries.
  • At this point in the game, there will be very few infected in the countries of the continent of origin, what we will simply do is direct the Field Operatives to the countries where the last infected people remain, and eventually, the disease will be eradicated and we will obtain the achievement.


One of the advisors recommended in this guide is Regulation Enforcer, since it helps us a lot so that quarantines have a significant effect for the reduction of infections in countries that are reporting many cases


South America in quarantine with air and sea routes closed to prevent the spread of the disease, when the countries are presenting many cases and begin to look red, it is time to decree quarantine in addition to directing the Field Operatives to the country that presents more infected.
Argentina, one of the countries that was affected by this outbreak, thanks to the help of the Field Operatives, the outbreak could be contained and more than one million people were able to recover.
Map of the World showing that all countries that have reported cases are now green, as all those infected have been able to recover naturally from the disease. The outbreak began in South America, but has been able to be controlled thanks to the fact that the Field Operatives have overcome the large infections that had occurred on the continent. During the course of the game, the ports and airports of the continent were opened to other countries to prevent Non-Compliance from growing in South America, but countries such as Australia and South Africa were able to contain the outbreak quickly thanks to the Contact Tracing and Testing Capacity Responses, which were used before opening these routes.


  • One of the ways to get this achievement is by using the same strategy to get the Doomsday Save achievement. Although when doing this, you will have to adapt a little to how Bio-Weapon works, which there is the possibility of failing the game several times if the loss of authority is not well controlled.