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Wolf is one of the zoonotic transmissions available for Shadow Plague, characterized by causing the pathogen to render groups of wolves susceptible to the disease, occasionally turning them rabid, which will slightly increase the severity of the disease.

Additionally, this is one of the transmissions that primarily helps Shadow Plague spread in rural areas in addition to increasing mutation.


This transmission has a special achievement, in which the plague causes certain alterations in the behavior of the wolves when the second stage of the trait evolves, where there is a possibility that these wolves attack the team of historians investigating Dracula's tomb in Central Europe.[1]

Government Actions

  • 1st Stage: In the event that the player evolves this transmission, the governments of different countries will begin to legalize the hunting of wolves throughout the territory to reduce the contagion. In order for this to happen, both the global and local priority towards the disease must be 20, by performing this action, the infectivity in that country will be reduced by 3 points.[2]
  • 2nd Stage: In the event that the player acquires this transmission, the governments of different countries will start to eradicate the entire wolf population in order to stop new infections. For this to happen, the local priority must be 40, and the government must first have taken the action of legalizing the hunting of wolves, which is activated by the previous transmission. After this action is taken, the infectivity in that country will be reduced by 4 points.[2]


  1. JustaSlav_ (2021-12-28). "Plague Inc: Evolved - Wolf Pack Achievement". YouTube Retrieved on January 29, 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Shadow Plague Government Actions - Game Files (See govactions_vampire.txt)