Who needs DEET

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Who needs DEET.jpg Achievement Name: Who needs DEET
Achievement Description: Avoid insect bites
Value: Difficulty:

Who needs DEET is an achievement that can only be won with the Necroa Virus.


Tips Section written by Ned1230
Originally submitted on July 1, 2014; 10 years ago (2014-07-01)

On rare occasions, players may receive a popup stating that there has been an insect population boom, which increases zombie decay rates. Then, they should evolve the Zoonotic Shift and Insect transmissions, and then, zombies will repel insects, returning their decay rate to normal, and earning them this achievement. Infect the whole world without being detected, make sure you save about 60 DNA. Buy the symptoms Insomnia all the way down to Cytopathic Reanimation. Wait. Once 90% of the world is dead the insects should take over.