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Horse is a Transmission exclusive to the Nipah Virus Scenario. It allows the Pathogen to infect and spread through horses, increasing infectivity, specially through Land, and in Rural and Arid countries, while also increasing Mutation chance. The ability Hendra Traits is required for this transmission to appear.

Government Actions

  • 1st Stage: In the event that the player evolves the first stage of this transmission, governments will begin to quarantine the country's horse population to reduce the risk of contagion, requiring both global and local priority to be around 20, and when implemented in a specific country, local infectivity will be reduced by -3.[1]
  • 2nd Stage: In the event that the player evolves the second stage of this transmission, and if quarantine programs for horses are subsequently carried out, there is a possibility that the country's government will take more drastic measures and begin to exterminate the horse population, for this action to be executed the local priority must be around 40, this will cause the infection to decrease by -6 as well as the public order to decrease by -0.01.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Nipah Virus Government Action Data - Game Files (See govactions_standard #57063.txt)