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Bingo!.jpg Achievement Name: Bingo!
Achievement Description: Win 5 times in a row on normal difficulty with the lucky dip strain enabled
Value: Difficulty: Normal w/Lucky Dip Strain

Bingo! is an achievement.

How to get this achievement?

The Bingo achievement is earned by winning five consecutive games on Normal Difficulty with Lucky Dip Strain (classified as a Cheat) activated. Of course, this means that you'll have to have earned, or bought, the Cheats, at least on Plague Inc.

Activating the Lucky Dip Strain

The Lucky Dip Strain is classified as a Cheat. (This classification is a bit misleading, though: activating the Lucky Dip Strain will not necessarily provide you with pre-evolved traits that are advantageous at the beginning of your game, and this can make your game more tricky than it would be, otherwise. This is particularly true because the pre-evolved traits cannot be devolved. It is for these reasons, it is an Achievement to win five consecutive games on Normal Difficulty with the Lucky Dip Strain enabled.)

Access this (or any other) Cheat simply by pushing the "Cheats" button at the bottom of the "Select a Game Difficulty" page.

Potential Difficulties

  • You might find that a number of lethal symptoms are pre-evolved. This, of course, presents the risk of killing of all hosts before the pathogen has infected everyone. You need not necessarily fret, though, if you find a somewhat-"unlucky" dip of fatal traits pre-evolved: Transmission and infective Symptoms as much as possible, while devolving any (even somewhat) lethal symptoms that spontaneously evolve.
  • You may, still, be unable to infect an island nation before its ports closed (and as we know, even if Insects 1 and 2 and Birds 1 and 2 are evolved, this does not necessarily mean that, in time, a bird or insect will land on the island and infect someone). (This happened to me on my fifth/last successful game when I used Fungus for my pathogen: my last Spore Burst ability spontaneously evolved earlier than I wanted, because I, for some reason, had the Base Hydrolysis gene activated.)

A Very Helpful Tactic

One can get this achievement by using the requisite Lucky Dip option in addition to activating any or all the other Cheats. (But, if you decide to activate more Cheats, avoid Shuffle Strain, which radically changes the order of the traits on their respective pages, in a confusing way).

by Penndemic

For more information, please see Normal Difficulty and Lucky Dip Strain.